Monday, February 9, 2009

Interesting tidbits...from the dossier

We have started working on our dossier and I learned a few interesting things last night.

#1 It costs less to order a certified birth certificate from Maryland than it does to get one from Michigan! (yay MD!)

#2 You can get two Maryland birth certificates for the price of one Michigan birth certificate...and have $2 left over!

#3 It IS possible for a 31 year old and a 37 year old to not know the name of the hospital where they were born! And, they also won't know the name of the county that said hospital is located in.

I am sure as I go through the dossier process I will add more interesting tidbits to add.

I just have to say, I LOVE my kids!!! Our girls are so excited about the adoption. They pray for Adam almost everyday. They also pray for "all the other children without families" Abby is 6 and she regularly prays for the people in China, "that they can learn about Jesus and they won't go to jail" It's amazing how this process is helping them to become more globally minded. Even Brian, 2 years old, is getting into it...he is learning Mandarin along with the rest of the family. He says "Ni Hao" and "Wo Ai Ni" (These are "Hi" and "I love you" respectively)

Please keep us in your prayers as we trudge through the paperwork of the dossier.


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