Each year has an animal that is associated with it. This year is the Year of the Tiger. There are 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac. They are: The Rat, The Ox, The Tiger, The Rabbit, The Dragon, The Snake, The Horse, The Sheep, The Monkey, The Rooseter, The Dog and The Pig. Adam was born in the Year of the Tiger so this year will be very important to him. We believe Megan was born in the Year of the Ox, so last year would be important to her. (We don't know her birthdate yet, so we don't know exactly what year she was born in but we can guess)
Oranges are used as decoration or as gifts because they sound like the word for "good luck", they are round which symbolizes wholeness or completeness. Usually they are placed in a "pyramid" shape when used as a decoration.
Chinese New year lasts 15 days! Most families don't celebrate for all 15 days but traditionally each day had a specific function.
There are two "dances" that are pretty well known. The Lion dance is generally performed earlier in Chinese New Year. The Lion costume is worn by two people. The Lion will dance around the city/town and visit houses and businesses which gives them good luck, most people will leave red envelops(with money) in lettuce for the Lion.
There is also the Dragon dance. The dragon dance is usally seen at the end of the New Year celebration. The Dragon has more than two people, usually 9 people and usually is held on poles, rather than covering the people like the Lion.