Sunday, October 3, 2010

We're home!!!

It was a LONG flight and a slightly shorter drive home (actually much shorter it just SEEMED almost as long.)

We are dealing with "dog issues". They enjoy our cockapoo (she is our smallest dog) and Ellie (a medium sized dog) but our "puppy" Chip who is a BIG black lab throws them for a loop!

We are also having trouble finding food that they like. Right now we are stocking up on chinese food and letting them have comfort food. Which to them is SPICY!

We are hearing more and more English but still LOTS of Chinese. The language will take a long time, which we expected.

Megan is starting to respond to her American name but Adam isn't there yet.

Well, almost time to get my crew in bed.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi Beth. Don't know if you remember me, but we live in the same state. I realize you just got home, but have you taken them to the Chinese grocery in Newark? They have a great grocery there with everything! They only speak Chinese in there as well. Maybe they could look around and find some of the same foods as home as they have plenty of prepared, frozen things as well. It may help. I still take Jake there a couple times a month to let him choose things and I get their fresh veggies and sauces to cook with. We bought red bean paste there for the moon cakes we made that was good. It may help anyway! Congrats! (I also know of a Chinese exchange student but she is living down here)