Sunday, November 8, 2009

Letters to my children

I got this idea from another blog. I think it is a great idea!

Dear Abby,
You are my firstborn child and you have a special love for those who are hurting. I love how you are quick to make a "get well card" or a picture for those who need a smile. You can get frustrated with your brother and sister but are quick to be their champion! I love you!!


Dear Emily,
You have such a sensitive heart. Your "I'm sorry" has a sincerity that amazes me. Sometimes your tears come so easily that it frustrates me but your compassion was truely sent by God. Thank you for all of your hugs and kisses!


Dear Brian,

You have such a quick mind! It's hard to believe you're only 3 years old. God has given you a gift to figure out how things work, I can't hardly imagine where that will take you. Sometimes I'm worried you'll dismantle something really important! Hopefully you won't do that until you can put it back together. You really are a snuggle-bug!


Dear Adam,

I haven't been able to hug you yet, but I pray that day comes soon. One day soon I will meet you and start the journey to learn who you are. Right now I know that you have freckle on your cheek and when your eyes are sad I want to hug you and hold you until the sadness goes away. I will continue to pray for you and love you.



Rachel said...

Aww, that is so sweet Beth! :) You truly are a wonderful mommy (and wife) and I can see it each time I see you at church! :D You are such a godly example of what a wife and mother should be, and it is so wonderful to see! :)

Blessings in Christ!
~Rachel P.~

Anna Andalasia said...

As an individual seeking to fashion your life after Jesus Christ, you might be interested in participating in the event, "14 Days of Thankfulness." I am hosting this two-week event through my blog, Untraveled Path ( You can read more about it on this page:

I hope you will join me in celebrating Thanksgiving by counting the blessings God has given!

If you personally cannot participate, I would appreciate it if you would spread the word about the event! =)