Monday, October 5, 2009

Praying for our little man....

I wanted to post some of the prayers that I am praying lately...

Dear Lord, please keep Adam healthy and safe.

Please help him to know that someone loves him very much.

Please protect him from nightmares. (Since China is 12 hours ahead of us, he's usually sleeping when I'm praying!)

Please help him to learn alot in school.

I pray that he is having a good day.

Please help the workers at his orphanage to prepare him for his adoption and the transition to the USA.

Please send someone to him who will tell him about You.

Please keep this sweet little boy in your prayers.


1 comment:

Debbie Phillips said...

We are praying. Every time I see you at church I pray for your family... including Adam. Every time I read a blog entry I pray for you all. Every time the Lord brings your family to mind we pray for you.

Matthew 18:20
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."